2nd Monday of the Month - 8:00 am to 9:30 am
Rancho Cordova City Hall - Community Board Room
10745 Gold Center Drive, Rancho Cordova
Chamber Ambassadors are your liaison between members and the Chamber. Each plays a vital role in member retention, recruitment and communication. Ambassadors serve as the face of the Chamber, acting as representatives at events and functions as well as advocate for chamber members as you strive to promote and grow your business. Ambassadors gain business contacts through association with volunteers and members, participation in events and programs. The team is recognized at events, highlighted in our directory, and on this website with their own dedicated ambassador page .
Interested? Check us out! Ambassadors rock!
2nd Tuesday of the Month - 11:00 am to 12:15 pm
Currently we are meeting via Zoom - please contact the Chamber for the link
Advocacy on behalf of our Chamber members is a key service provided by your Government Relations Committee. We are the voice OF and FOR business! Each month members review legislation, evaluate candidates and initiatives to determine the impact on the members of our Chamber. When appropriate, the Committee, at the direction of the Board, will engage in advocacy at the local, regional, or state level.
Contact Diann Rogers, Chamber CEO for information and to get involved.
Membership in this committee is subject to Chamber Board Chair approval.
2023 Scramble & Gamble Landing Page
The 2024 Scramble & Gamble is set for Friday, September 27, 2024
The weather is always perfect, the grass is always green and fun is always in play for the 26th annual Rancho Chamber Scramble Golf Tournament. Enjoy golf, brews, and fun all scrambled together in one great Rancho Chamber event! You don't need to play golf to be a part of this amazing, hardworking and entertaining committee. Give us a call! 916-273-5700 or email DHRogers@RanchoCordova.org
Steering Committee
Contact the Chamber at Leadership@RanchoCordova.org
Leadership Rancho Cordova (LRC) is designed to develop community leaders, activists, visionaries and advocates at all levels dedicated to the future of our community. LRC is a combination of educational experiences and a group project designed to prepare you to make a difference in Rancho Cordova. Check out the details at https://www.ranchocordova.org/leadership-rancho-cordova
Visit https://www.ranchocordova.org/leadership-rancho-cordova
New or not receiving updates? Call 916-273-5700 or email: AWilson@RanchoCordova.org
Meetings are subject to change or may be rescheduled. Contact your Chamber office at 916-273-5700 to confirm meeting times and locations. AWilson@RanchoCordova.org
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