The County of Sacramento must adhere to the requirements placed by the State of California and may not operate independently or create its own set of guidelines (unless imposing stricter requirements). However, it is the County that provides guidance concerning specific situations. Your Chamber is in regular communication with County and City leadership for updates, guidance, and potential changes to the orders. Our goal is to remain vigilant on behalf of the business community and seek to ensure the voice of business is heard and recognized at every level.
If there are specific matters with which we can assist or direct you to a resource, please let us know.
Recovery@RanchoCordova.org or 916-273-5700
County of Sacramento – COVID-19 updates by zip code, County Public Health Orders, Resources & Information WEBSITE
Contact: 916-875-5656 or Hotline:
Rancho Cordova Area Chamber of Commerce – dedicated pages to resources, directories of open businesses, recovery materials, employment opportunities, frauds & scams, advocacy & business news
Contact: Recovery@RanchoCordova.org or 916-273-5700
City of Rancho Cordova – local resources and information - WEBSITE
Contact: EconDev@CityofRanchoCordova.org or 916-851-8782 (Economic Development Office)
Sacramento Metro Chamber – a wide range of resources for employers, employees, local and financial information - WEBSITE
Contact: covid19help@metrochamber.org or Hotline 1-833-391-1919
State of California - Dedicated COVID-19 - WEBSITE
Information for Businesses & Employers - Covid19.ca.gov/business-and-employers
Contact: COVID-19 Hotline 1-833-422-4255
Office of the Governor - WEBSITE
Contact: 916-445-2841 or use the online form

California Chamber of Commerce - WEBSITE
Contact: hrcalifornia.service@calchamber.com or 916-444-6670
Office of the President - WEBSITE
White House / CDC / FEMA - WEBSITE
Use the online form
US Chamber of Commerce – WEBSITE
Contact: 202-659-6000
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has developed excellent tools and resources to support small businesses.
Contact: 800-321-6742 (OSHA)
Small Business Administration - WEBSITE
Contact: 916-735-1700 - Local Office (Citrus Heights) sba.gov/offices/district/ca/citrus-heights
National: 800-827-5722 or answerdesk@sba.gov
Small Business Development Center – Northern California/Capital Region - WEBSITE
Contact: 916-319-4268 or sbdc@metrochamber.org
US Department of Labor – WEBSITE
Important information all employers should have on workplace safety, wages, hours and leave, unemployment insurance, and more.
Contact: 1-866-4-USA-DOL (1-866-487-2365) or dol.gov/general/contact/contact-email
"When the economic impact of COVID-19 hits home"
As companies struggle to stay afloat financially due to the economic reverberations of COVID-19, your employees are facing the same challenges at home. The Federal Trade Commission has prepared materials to share with your team.
Fiscal Impact of the Corona Virus
Protect Yourself from Scams
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